You know the principle, do your homework before you can go outside and play or sadly nowadays do your homework before you can sit and watch T.V.? This principle is often mentioned as "work before play". I have grumbled about this principle in the past when it applied to me at unwanted times. After all who wants to do work rather than spending time having fun and hanging out I thought. However this week this principle really (and finally I might add) hit home.
Work comes first!!! |
As a missionary we are constantly teaching people. It is a constant stream of work, not play. Lately we have not been as successful or effective in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ online. It is a dilemma that we have all been racking our brains trying to figure out. We haven't changed (or so we hoped) so why has our success in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ suddenly changed? Why have our results been so underwhelming? A lot of theories and ideas have been tossed around but I have realized that the only thing about the situation that I have any control over is me :) I cannot control most of the variables but I can make sure I am giving it my all.
But the play is worth the work :) |
I think we all have a natural tendency to relax as time goes on and ease up a bit. We focus a bit on some of the more momentary pleasures or things that we think bring us happiness and we lose sight of what originally brought a pure, lasting joy. What brought deep satisfaction is forgotten as we look for immediate gratification or distraction. As I have redoubled my efforts this week and turned to the Lord in prayer I have seen remarkable changes. It has only been a few days but the change in myself is dramatic and apparent. I feel like I have recaptured that lost, flickering flame and that has come by putting my work before play. I was never "playing" before, but perhaps I was not as devoted to the work. Perhaps I became lax or simply comfortable. I know that as I have developed a sense of urgency and purpose, results have come. By putting off the play, the sitting back and relaxing and instead giving it your all in working I know you will see results in your life. You will see the fruits of your labors, and you will actually be satisfied with what you have done, not just momentarily sated. Life is a test and is hard work. Let us work now and enjoy the play, the satisfaction, that comes from a job well done. Just think of when we return to live with our Father in Heaven again and get to hear Him say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant..."
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