Whenever I go to a buffet, an all you can eat type of restaurant I rub my hands together and lick my lips in anticipation. I get excited about all the good food I am about to eat. When I get there and I see the amazing spread of food before me I quickly grab a plate and load up. I make sure to get my money's worth and eat until I can't possibly eat any more. I think we all can relate to this feeling of excitement and appreciation when we have a feast in front of us. But how many of us feel this way when it comes to the spiritual feast before us?
We have the scriptures in front of us and if you are not aware of it, we actually have a living prophet on the earth today, and apostles just as in biblical times, leading and guiding Christ's church on the earth today and counseling the people. We have a very literal spiritual feast, a spread of knowledge and the word of God in front of us, readily accessible that we need to take in. If we ate spiritually as much as we did physically we would all be better people.
As for me, I know that too often I take the scriptures for granted. I need to take advantage of the word of God. No matter how much I try I don't get full from looking at food...I have to eat it. That is the way it is with the word of God. We cannot just look at it, or know it is there. We have to take it in and partake of it. When we do that we will have our appetite sated. Not our physical appetite, but our spiritual appetite...
I love the scriptures...